Welcome! We have the great privilege of laboring alongside the beautiful people of Swaziland, Africa. The forgotten country where the life expectancy is a mere 30 years old; where it is projected that there will be 200,000+ orphans by 2010; and where 66% of the population lives below the international poverty threshold. Our story starts with these kindred spirits whose humanity is as frail as our own. Who are we? We are merely a group of ordinary people who started our personal journey's on seperate roads. Along the way our roads crossed and our path became one... a path of common interest in transforming the lives of those at risk of sustaining a healthy life. We are humbled that God would call us to walk this road of hope and encouraged that we will extend the story. Currently, we are busy preparing for our first journey into Swaziland, Africa. A journey that begins with our Board of Directors - Dan, Gregg, and Phil - on November 6, 2008. They will be working with Chris, our local missionary, and the local community leaders to assess the work that we will be helping with. So we invite your prayers and your valuable opinions as we head out together on this winding road. We desire nothing more than to serve well as we begin to see the transformation that will take place. We would be honored to have you along as we extend this story.
"Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." proverbs 31:8-9