Gregg writes: "There were probably 40+ children from the local community congregated at St. Paul's Church for the weekend carepoint. During the week, there are two neighboring carepoints, unfortunately they shut down for the weekend. St. Paul's Church picks up the slack by filling in to feed the children on the weekend. These kids line up with their bowls around 10:00am and wait for the food to be ready, which was 12:30pm this day. "
Okay, shhhhh don't tell but the children have a special nickname for Chris... White GoGo Yup, it is true she is pretty special to these cherubs. 
Gregg writes: "Notice the large cooking pot in the background? (last picture) There's another Gogo (grandma) who cooks at the carepoint who could EASILY beat me at arm wrestling... These pots are 150lbs and the lids are 50 lbs. She throws these around like they were nothing. When I tried to pick up the pot, she had a good laugh at my expense... (anyone smelling oranges? I love the lessons of humility!!) Many have scabies, lice and are malnurished. Many are HIV+ - You just want to love on them. They love their Jesus Bear's from FUMC-RR Texas! I finally taught this little guy the thumbs up! He was my favorite! He stood in line for a 2nd bear! Look how beautiful this little girl dressed up! (below) She was so cute! most don't have shoes and the ones that do are tattered - see the boy behind her... His foot is sticking out sideways."
This first day was pretty full for Dan, Gregg, and Chris. I believe they just touched the hand's of God and the story continues...
Peace and blessings,
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