Friday, September 16, 2011

Is it Possible?

The wonder & joy of a floating bubble

Malawi: A small country in Southern Africa about the size of Pennsylvania.
Landlocked, Malawi ranks among the world's most densely populated and least developed countries.
Population: 15.6 million (UN 2010)
Income: more than ½ live on $0.32/day
Children: 51% are under the age of 15.
Life expectancy: 44 male/51 female
                    Data source: UNICEF & WHO

Is It Possible?
If you want to walk fast, go alone
If you want to walk far, go together
Zulu Proverb

The one thing we will vouch for is that ideas can be a reality. drops of grace was an idea that turned into something real. Our partners - who we are helping on the other side of the world, Somebody Cares-Malawi, has an idea that started with one person’s thinking for an Administration/Education facility. Can this idea be a reality? It is possible that everything can be made possible!

We met Chief Theresa Malila, Executive Director & Founder of Somebody Cares-Malawi a couple years ago on a visit to Malawi. The African Mother Theresa, as the people call her, started her ministry to comfort, feed, care, and pray for the sick, dying, elderly, widowed, and orphaned in communities in & around Lilongwe, Malawi. Of its 15.6 million people, 85% live in rural areas (as subsistence farmers) where the population density is one of the highest in Africa.

Today, Somebody Cares ministers & supports 24 communities with over 6,000 orphans & nearly 1500 widows. As well as provide care to over 600 patients in their Home Based Care program. It is astounding the amount of care that Chief Theresa & her small staff give on a daily basis.

The problem: they work directly out of Theresa’s home residence. Can you imagine people coming and going 24/7 at your home? Can you imagine never having a moment alone in your home; hosting not just one stranger but groups of strangers who come daily to your home and walk in and out all day? Can you imagine? Theresa manages Somebody Cares directly from her small home and she does this with a glad heart knowing that the end result is helping those she cares so passionately about – orphans & widows.

We saw this and we couldn’t believe it! So we decided that we would like to help Theresa and the Somebody Cares staff with their idea, their dream of a multi-use facility where they can continue to transform entire communities in Malawi. Where widows can come and learn income generating programs so they can feed their families; where youth can come to be trained in a trade to earn an income; where teachers can participate in training so the orphans can have a quality education and where Theresa & her staff can work in conditions conducive to growth & development and continue their efforts of transforming lives & giving back hope to people who thought there was none left to give.

This multi-use facility will cost approximately $75,000 to fully complete. We are 30% there, but we have a ways to go. Together, with your generous donations, we can help build this facility on land that is already owned by Somebody Cares. Is it possible? Absolutely! Let’s do it together!

Please DONATE. Thank YOU!

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